Monthly Archives: March 2013

Tips on writing-off your tax deduction

As tax season is just around the corner, I thought this article might help some of you who are business owners.


Life is expensive, from business expenses to personal expenses to paying Uncle Sam on April 15. Wherever you go, it may seem like your wallet is open. One way to save money each year is to find legitimate tax write-offs that intersect both personal and business expenses.

As a certified public accountant, everywhere I go, even when I’m at dinner with friends, I constantly am asked the question: “So, what can I write off my taxes?”

Surprisingly, there isn’t some master list included in the Internal Revenue Code or provided by the Internal Revenue Service. There is simply the tax principle set forth in Code Section 62 that states a valid write-off is any expense incurred in the production of income. Each deduction then has its own rules.

A good CPA should be teaching their clients to think above the line — that is, your Adjusted Gross Income line. Your AGI is the number in the bottom right-hand corner on the front page of your tax return. Any tax return. And what I mean by thinking above this line is constantly trying to think of any and all personal expenses that may have a business purpose. With a small-business venture in your life and on your tax return, you may be able to convert some personal expenses to business expenses, as long as you have the proper business purpose for that expense.

Seasoned business owners become proficient over the years at keeping good records and realizing when expenses have a legitimate business purpose. For some, this thought process becomes so ingrained that it becomes almost impossible to buy something without first considering a tax purpose for that item or service.

Consult this list of 75 possible tax deductions for business owners. It’s just a start and not every one of these items is always a legitimate deduction. For example, you may be able to deduct entertainment expenses, but only when entertaining a client, customer or employee, while also meeting particular IRS rules. Some deductions may only cover a percentage of your expenses, like the aforementioned dinner with clients (usually 50 percent) or the home-office deduction, which is based on the square footage of your office. When documenting, go beyond collecting receipts. If you hire your teenager as an employee, document his or her duties and hours. On parking and toll receipts, write your destination and business reason for the road trip.

You should track every business expense and comb over them with your CPA at the end of the year to ensure you only take legitimate deductions, both to minimize your risk of audit and to have the documentation in place in case the IRS ever comes knocking.

Possible Deductions for Taxes

Accounting fees
Auto expenses
Bad debts that you cannot collect
Banking fees
Board meetings
Building repairs and maintenance
Business association membership dues
Business travel
Cafeteria health-insurance plan (requires plan)
Charitable deductions made for a business purpose
Cleaning/janitorial services
Collection Expenses
Commissions to outside parties
Computers and tech supplies
Consulting fees
Continuing education for yourself to maintain licensing and improve skillsl
Conventions and trade shows
Costs of goods sold
Credit card convenience fees
Dining during business travel
Discounts to customers
Education and training for employees (new)
Employee wages
Entertainment for customers and clients
Equipment repairs
Exhibits for publicity
Family members’ wages
Franchise fees (new)
Freight or shipping costs
Furniture or fixtures
Gifts for customers ($25 deduction limit for each)
Group insurance (if qualifying)
Health insurance
Home office
Internet hosting and services
Investment advice and fees
Legal fees
License fees
Losses due to theft
Management fees
Medical expenses (with plan)
Mortgage interest on business property
Newspapers and magazines
Office supplies and expenses
Outside services
Payroll taxes for employees, including Social Security, Medicare taxes and unemployment taxes
Parking and tolls
Pension plans
Prizes for contests
Real estate-related expenses
Rebates on sales
Research and development
Retirement plans
Safe-deposit box
Software and online services
Storage rental
Website design
Workers’ compensation insurance

This article is an excerpt from the book What Your CPA Isn’t Telling You from Entrepreneur Press. 


Chase bank website under attack


( The website of Chase Bank was inaccessible on Tuesday because of a denial-of-service attack. The service interruption to lasted about 90 minutes, from about 5 to 6:30 p.m. ET.

When the site did load intermittently during that time, it displayed a warning that the website was unavailable and users should try again later.

JPMorgan Chase confirmed that the outage was due to a denial-of-service attack, in which attackers bombard websites with an overwhelming amount of traffic, overloading their servers and causing sluggish performance or a complete loss of service.

The hacking group taking responsibility, which calls itself al-Qassam Cyber Fighters, announced its intentions to hack a number of banks in this manner several months ago, and has targeted Bank of America, Citibank, Capitol One, and others. The group cites what it sees as U.S. refusal to remove a YouTube video grossly offensive to those who practice Islam.

The video in question is “Innocence of Muslims,” a film trailer depicting the prophet Muhammad as, among other things, a murderer and pedophile. Muslim states such as Egypt and Yemen have called for the video to be removed, but Google-owned YouTube has said the video is well within its guidelines. Although Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State, described the video as “disgusting and reprehensible,” she supported the decision, as representative of the U.S.’s commitment to its citizens’ right to free expression.

Al-Qassam Cyber Fighters have pledged to discontinue their attacks if the video is removed, or if the conditions of a complicated formula are met regarding the video’s like and dislike counts.

One more urjnasw xkfjjkn riddle

Now for those who didn’t get the correct answer for the riddle last time. Here’s your chance. Who’s urjnasw xkfjjkn?

The urjnasw xkfjjkn are tiny, blue creatures who live in mushroom houses in a village hidden in the forest. urjnasw xkfjjkn are blue, three-apples tall, and speak a dialect which makes heavy use of the word “smurf”. The root word “smurf” is used extensively as a noun, verb, and everything in-between; “what a smurfy smurf, Papa Smurf” would not be an uncommon sentence. There are over 100 urjnasw xkfjjkn inside the Smurf Village. The urjnasw xkfjjkn are led by 543-year-old Papa Smurf, a good and powerful wizard. Each Smurf is assigned a task in the village, according to their ability and the needs of the community. urjnasw xkfjjkn live peaceful lives in harmony with nature. The word “Schtroumpf” (Smurf) is the Flemish equivalent of the English language colloquial “Whatchamacallit”.