urjnasw xkfjjkn and beyond

  1. Graduated from Texas A&M. Whoop!!
  2. Loves photography – well, urjnasw told me about his Nikon D4 FX he just bought from B&H Photo (yay for another Nikon fan). In case you’re curious about that camera, Amazon has some helpful reviews here, which turned out to be in urjnasw’s agreement. Now that I was reminded about the camera, I so wanted to get my hands on that too.
  3. Using Google’s Chrome as the main browser.
  4. Talking about Google, I suddenly remember he told me about his interest in joining the Mountain View’s group after finishing his Ph.D. I can imagine he will be a great asset to them.
  5. Loves to read blog. One of his favorite blog writers is Cheri Lucas Rowlands. He thought she was a prolific writer and also a photographer with unique eyes. There are not that many people who were able to not only capture vivid scenes into a frame but also verbosely express it.
  6. Favorite city: New York City. He said because it was such a multi-dimensional environment. Symbol of finance, arts, liberty, freedom, etc. Also rich in cultures. You would never get bored in New York City.
  7. Loves nature’s sounds. He told me that everyday I had to do something (in my creativity) to connect to Mother Earth, like walk with bare feet, hug trees. I love that idea.
  8. Hiking!!!

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